West Central Business Hub

Funding Amount:
Vigo County

The Terre Haute Chamber of Commerce, Launch Terre Haute and West Central Indiana Small Business Development Center have formed a unique partnership that allows for seamless access to all their services through constant communication, collaboration and a shared employee model.

In April 2020, the COVID-19 Emergency Response Team was created under the heading of the West Central Business Hub to provide local businesses with immediate answers to their questions and connect business leaders with available resources. Given the success of the format during the pandemic, the need to create a physical front door for a one-stop shop access to business resources has risen.

  • The first floor of the West Central Business Hub would (1) be highly visible and branded with community branding outdoors and indoors, (2) showcase all partners would be listed on entry and community arts, (3) have a shared receptionist/waiting area and (4) include retail pop-up space for Launch members.
  • The second floor of the West Central Business Hub would (1) hold assets for members and individuals to utilize including a large conference room, moveable furniture and moveable walls/glass doors to connect spaces. In addition, the hub would (2) hold Launch co-working and entrepreneurial space with phone booths.
  • Perhaps the most vital improvement which the West Central Business Hub intends to utilize ARPA funding for revolves around increased handicapable accessibility. This includes a handicap accessible ramp in the rear entrance of the building, along with increased parking spaces.