Swope Art Museum

Funding Amount:
Vigo County

The Swope Art Museum has become the cornerstone of Wabash Valley art and culture, coined as one of the “10 best places to see art in smaller cities” by USA Today. Art hoppers from across the country stop in to relish more 2,500+ works from artists including, but not limited to, Andy Warhol, Edward Hopper, Grant Wood and Thomas Hart Benton. Swope’s free admission and rotating displays encourage vast attendees, averaging 13,000 visitors per year.

House din a 1901 three-story, 30,000-square-foot building, Swope is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Today, the museum requires improved physical accessiblity, like electrified door access, a modern elevator and the fire stair tower. Located within a short walking distance of the Terre Haute Convention Center, the multi-use facility offers restrooms and a catering kitchen to complement the hospitality industry. The renovated space will serve as:

  • A flexible space for art classes for all ages as young as two years old.
  • Gatherings,
  • Fundraisers,
  • And workshops to expand offerings and capacity for visitors.